B201-202 - Holiness & Hollywood: Living for Christ in a Secular Culture
2019 NCYC Audio - 100 Main Mega Parent & Breakouts
1h 8m
The world needs authentic, courageous, and loving witnesses of the Gospel. Eric Groth, executive producer of Paul, Apostle of Christ, shares his journey from baseball to youth ministry to film production, and will lead a conversation around the question: How do I live out my Catholic faith in a culture that is becoming increasingly less conducive to Gospel values? Eric is proudly sponsored by ODB Films.
Up Next in 2019 NCYC Audio - 100 Main Mega Parent & Breakouts
B203-204 - Serving in the Military as...
Sometimes military service can seem to conflict with our Catholic faith—the nature of war, separation from family, limited access to the sacraments on deployment, and moral obligations. In this workshop, discover how Catholics can flourish in these environments and answer their call to holiness. ...
B208-209 - Reconstructing Religious E...
At the heart of catechesis, we find the person of Jesus Christ. Catechesis has to be more than textbooks and tests to determine if one is ready for the sacraments. Lifelong discipleship that leads to heaven is our focus. Religious Education (RE), with its emphasis on catechesis, has to be placed ...
B236-237 - Building a Dynamic Team of...
We all know that we cannot lead on our own, but recruiting, managing, and building a team of volunteers can be a challenge (especially if you are part time or a volunteer). In this breakout, Chris will share simple tips and strategies that will help parishes recruit, manage, and train a team of v...