B208-209 - Reconstructing Religious Education
2019 NCYC Audio - 100 Main Mega Parent & Breakouts
1h 3m
At the heart of catechesis, we find the person of Jesus Christ. Catechesis has to be more than textbooks and tests to determine if one is ready for the sacraments. Lifelong discipleship that leads to heaven is our focus. Religious Education (RE), with its emphasis on catechesis, has to be placed within the context of an overall comprehensive ministry and recognized as a piece in the process of evangelization. We have to be okay with breaking molds, trying new things, and even failing. Join us for a discussion on the ministry models for RE that our parish is implementing—both the successes and the failures.
Up Next in 2019 NCYC Audio - 100 Main Mega Parent & Breakouts
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