A208-209 - No Hablo Español
2019 NCYC Audio - 100 Main Mega Parent & Breakouts
1h 3m
Noelle’s dad is Mexican and speaks fluent Spanish. David’s mom is Puerto Rican and speaks fluent Spanish. And yet neither parent taught Noelle and David to speak Spanish! We work in a bilingual community with youth and young adults, however, and have had tremendous success bringing communities together through integration, which is different from assimilation. Integration means to bring the parts together to make whole. Discover some things you can do to respect culture, but still come together to worship, pray, and encounter the Lord together!
Up Next in 2019 NCYC Audio - 100 Main Mega Parent & Breakouts
A234-235 - Connecting Families to Con...
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A236-237 - Accompaniment in Small Groups
What is the best way to accompany young people on their faith journey? Learn the five tenets of establishing long-term small groups that every group organizer will want to share and every group leader will need to know in order to create small, effective faith groups.
A238-239 - What About the Vast Majori...
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