A238-239 - What About the Vast Majority Who Never Come?
2019 NCYC Audio - 100 Main Mega Parent & Breakouts
1h 11m
You have planned your youth night and the same kids show up. You have seen with your own eyes how huge percentages of youth in religious education seem completely disinterested. You have read the data that explains why. But do we just give up? That is not an option. Going to the fringes of Catholic youth CAN produce fruit. There are many parishes that have revived their ministry by figuring out how to engage the disengaged. Here is a hint: it is not doing the same old thing. Come learn from a national ministry leader and coach what approaches are working to attract the youth most have written off, where to start, and how to have kids come—willingly!
Up Next in 2019 NCYC Audio - 100 Main Mega Parent & Breakouts
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