A10 - Pro-Life Apologetics
2019 NCYC Audio - 100 Main Mega Parent & Breakouts
In this workshop you will be equipped to make the case for Life, from both a religious and secular viewpoint, using scientific and philosophical arguments that support the pro-life position. Then you will learn to apply those skills to compassionately and effectively dialogue with your peers and be a voice for the pre-born.
Up Next in 2019 NCYC Audio - 100 Main Mega Parent & Breakouts
A11 - How to Trust God
In this session, Dom breaks open how a lack of trust might be keeping us from the life God calls us to live. Using references from Scripture, the lives of the saints, and practical, everyday events from his life, Dom will outline the reasons we struggle to trust and show a clear path toward getti...
A12 - Discipline: What the SEALs and ...
This session seeks to examine core lessons from Navy SEAL training and apply it to the spiritual life. The session will be presented by two speakers: Fr. Paul Kostka, a U.S. Navy chaplain and Captain John Doolittle, a retired Navy SEAL. They will highlight the importance of a number of core value...
A13 - Finding My Voice
This workshop is designed to give hope and encouragement to teens who may feel discouraged, insecure, or unsure how to share their faith in their everyday lives. In this workshop, youth will be able to hear advice, and feel encouraged through the witness of their peers. Christina is proudly spons...