E20 - Balance Work, Home, and Health
By Roy Petitfils.
Taking care of the pressing, sometimes urgent, demands of work, family, and our own personal health can feel impossible at times, leading many to neglect one of these essential areas. Join us as we identify common dynamics that lead us out of balance and explore ways to success... -
D20 - Understanding the Holy Family
By Fr. Leo Patalinghug.
Parents, how do you get your family to heaven? Families come in all varieties, and it’s easy to compare our “crazy” or “hardly-holy” family to those families that seem to have it all and have it all together. Fr. Leo uses his experience as an international speaker on fami... -
D04 - We've Got the Whole World in Our Hands!
By ValLimar Jansen and Ted Miles.
When we look around at what is happening to Earth—our common home—and to many of our sisters and brothers, it’s easy to despair. Jesus, however, offers us a way of hope to which we contribute through our actions and discipleship. Let us explore how our creator G... -
D03 - Moving Forward: Biblical Truths You'll Need for Your Future
By Mark Hart.
Are you asking: What do I do with my life? How do I know what God wants for me and from me? How do I handle this situation? What should I do about this relationship? High school and college offer countless questions—luckily, your Bible (and Mark Hart) has plenty of answers. -
D02 - One Race: A Dialogue to Defeat Racism
By John Angotti.
Racism occurs because we don't know each other. Through music and dialogue John Angotti and hip hop producer James Dukes from Unapologetic Records will use real situations of racism today and how we can learn from each other to unite and celebrate our differences. -
D01 - Be Courageous
By Steve Angrisano and Cooper Ray.
Pope Francis challenges us to be "missionary disciples" and to "live courageously" so that our lives evangelize the world around us. What does this mean? It isn't something just for priests and nuns. We are all called to live our lives in a way that makes a co... -
C20 - Parenting for Purity and Morality
By Jason Evert.
How is a parent to compete with MTV, sexting, internet porn, and all the other influences that lure young people away from a pure life? Jason offers a wealth of information, communication techniques, resources, and statistics to assist parents in their task as the primary sex edu... -
C04 - Why Be Catholic?
By Deacon Harold Burke‐Sivers.
Ever wonder why you should listen to a Church that makes all of these rules that inhibit your freedom to do what you want? Or question why being Catholic matters? Catholic evangelist Deacon Burke-Sivers examines the truth and beauty of Divine Revelation and shows h... -
C03 - Made for More
By Jackie Angel.
In a culture that teaches us to settle for love as a mere feeling, as Catholics we know we were made for authentic, life-giving love. Through humor, songs, and the teachings of St. John Paul the Great's Theology of the Body, Jackie will challenge teens to not settle for less tha... -
C01 - Talent vs. Vocation: Living in the Tension
By Matt Maher.
Possessing talent and fulfilling a calling are not the same thing. Both require great amounts of discernment, wise counsel, and patience. Matt discusses the tension between talent and vocation and provides thoughts to consider on both our personal and collective journey as the Chu... -
B20 - Family Anxieties: The Struggle is Real
By Fr. Rob Galea.
As a rebellious teenager who was bullied in his pre-teens, Fr. Rob realized in adulthood the pain, sorrow, and anxiety this caused his family. Join him for a frank presentation about rebellion from both sides of the struggle. Hear about the effects of bullying, drug use, teenag... -
B04 - Courage in Conversion
By Leah Darrow.
Conversion is not just one moment. It is meant to be lived throughout our entire lives. Join Leah as she shares the story of her conversion: what led her to become a professional fashion model, a participant on America's Next Top Model, and how she came back to Christ. Conversion... -
B03 - Church Isn't Boring, You Are!
By Paul J. Kim.
As a teen, Paul went to church for two reasons: girls and donuts. Through a miraculous intervention, God revealed to him that the Catholic faith offered more than he could ever hope. Beat-boxing, comedy, and a powerful message will help you rediscover your faith, no matter where ... -
B02 - Selfie Control
By Mike Patin and Katie Prejean McGrady.
To be a disciple, one thing is necessary: complete surrender to Jesus. To be a disciplined disciple requires courage, honesty, self-control, and a whole host of virtues. In a world focused far too much on what we want right now, how we look, and who likes... -
B01 - PH&J: Patience, Balance and Joy!
By Fr. Leo Patalinghug.
Do you think that church, prayer, and mass are BORING? Be educated, entertained, inspired to learn how never to be bored with church ever again. At every Mass we are being fed in body, mind, and spirit. We are being fed PB&J—Patience, Balance and Joy. Our world is influe... -
A20 - Family, Faith, and Fun?!
By Doug Brummel.
Experience for yourself how growing in faith with your family can actually be fun! Buckle your seat-belts for a wild ride with Catholic comedian and storyteller, Doug Brummel, "the man of many faces," and be ready to see how much fun it can truly be to embrace your vocation in f... -
A04 - Living the Paschal Mystery: Embracing the Joy and Sorrow of Life's Journey
By Jesse Manibusan.
Life is difficult. The gift of faith affords us the way to live and grow physically, emotionally, and spirituality—so that we can serve others! There are no short cuts or easy answers. The life we live in faith is the way to witness God's grace and mercy to pull us through li... -
A03 - Love Yourself
By Christopher Stefanick.
"Jesus said to love other as you love yourself. He presumed we love ourselves. What does that mean? What does that look like? The biggest lie today, which underlies so many bad decisions, sins, dysfunctions, etc. is that we're only lovable IF . . . . The Gospel shows us... -
A02 - Eucharist in Action
By Apex Ministries.
Fully participating in the celebration of the mass does not end with the recessional hymn. It continues in to the way we act day to day and moment to moment. Explore what it means to be Eucharistic people and what that looks like practically. -
A01 - Love or Lust
By Jason Evert
This presentation focuses on dating, sexuality, and building lasting relationships, regardless of the past. -
M04 - Main Session #4 with Keynote by Brian Greenfield
Keynote by Brian Greenfield.
The Blessed Mother was the first disciple and serves as a model for each of us in our own journey of discipleship. While there are many images of Mary, we have chosen to use Our Lady of All Nations in our prayer today. The session concludes with the opportunity for p... -
M03 - Main Session #3 with Keynote by Roy Petitfils
Keynote by Roy Petitfils.
Our session tonight focuses on how God calls us through the Word and the Eucharist. The Book of the Gospels bears the symbols of the four evangelists: lion, bull, eagle, and winged person. We will be joined by monks from St. Meinrad Archabbey for Eucharistic Adoration a... -
M02 - Main Session #2, with Keynote by Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT
Keynote by Sr. Miriam James, SOLT.
This morning we celebrate with the saints and those who are on their way to sainthood. Their response to God’s call to follow Christ inspires us to live our lives in service of our God. We will focus on Servant of God Thea Bowman, Venerable Pierre Toussant, Ble... -
M01 - Main Session #1 with Keynote by Chris Stefanick
Keynote by Chris Stefanick.
We gather tonight as one church from many places. We bring our uniqueness and diversity and stand before the cross that unites us. The cross on the main stage is modeled after the Cross of St. Benedict. As we journey together throughout NCYC, we will celebrate the mys... -
C02 - Run to Mary
By Bob Perron and Chris Padgett.
Who am I? Why am I here? What's life all about? Can the answers be found in a devotion to Mary? It is possible for us to really know and follow Mary's example of loving Jesus. Explore the beauty of Marian devotion and the impact it can have on our personal and co...