2018 NCCYM Audio - 63 Keynotes, Breakouts
Audio streaming access to all 63 Talks from the National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry held December 6-8, 2018 in Tampa Florida. Includes Keynotes, Mass homilies from Thursday and Saturday, and Breakout Sessions from tracks A, B, C and D.
A01 - Cultivating Faithfulness
MH01 - Thursday Mass Homily
K03 - Saturday Keynote
K02 - Friday Keynote Synod Panel
K01 - Thursday Keynote
D14 - V Encuentro Panel
D11 - Great Ideas in Youth Ministry Models
D10 - Brides Cake, Ice Cream, and Evangelization
D12 - Panel de Mejores Prácticas sobre Colaboración
D13 - New Era in Catholic Youth Ministry
D08 - Porn-no: A Pastoral Approach to the Problem of Pornography
D07 - Marriage and Ministry: How to succeed at one without losing the other.
D06 - Going, Going, Gone ...What Now?
D05 - Crawling in the Dark: Searching for the Lights!
D04 - Dwell Among Them: Exploring Incarnation-Driven Ministry
D03 Bruises on the Inside - The Changing Landscape of Bullying
D02 - ALL ARE WELCOME; Beyond Declaration to Manifestation
D01 - Involving Youth in Parish Leadership
C13 - Formación vs. Retiros
C14 - Great Ideas in Prayer
C12 - Have You Had a Leadership Wellness Assessment Lately?
C11 - How to Build a Dynamic Core Team to Plan and Lead Ministry
C10 - Crossing the Generational Divide: Equipping Catholic Leaders to Thrive...
C09 - Who moved my pastor? Navigating changes in Ministry
C08 - How To Burn The Candle At Both Ends & Avoid Burnout
C07 - Forming Missionary Disciples on a Catholic Campus: The Opportunity of a...
C06 - The Church is Listening... Let's Talk!
C04 - The People's Response
C05 - Competitive or Complementary? Young People and the collision of Church...
C03 - The Parish Good Samaritan (and other duties as assigned by pastor)
C02 - Engaging Today’s Parents - Re-imagining our Youth Ministry with Families in Mind
C01 - Call To Accompany LLamados a Accompanar
B14 - Is Your Parish Ready to Grow Young?
B13 - Three Focused and Effective Pastoral Care Strategies for Youth...
B12 - La Mística del Ministerio de Pastoral Juvenil
B10 - Retreats for All Seasons
B09 - Here they are, now what do we do?: Unlocking the Affects of Anxiety...
B11 - Great Idea in Faith Formation
B08 - Is learning changing in our Digital Culture?
B07 - Cross-Pollination: Families growing in Faith TOGETHER…WHAT?
B06 - Smashing Misconceptions" Confirmation-The Beautiful Theology We've Been...
Smashing Misconceptions: Confirmation-The Beautiful Theology We've Been Missing And Engaging Families.
B04 - The Path to Missionary Discipleship
B05 - A Ministry Through Presence
B01 - Finding Jesus in the Midst of Your Paperwork
B03 - Beyond Service to Innovating for Change
B02 - The Latino "Nones and the Need for Intercultural Competencies in YM
A14 - El Discipulado Misionero y la Pastoral de Conjunto en la Pastoral Juvenil Hispana
A13 - Great Ideas: Technology & Social Media
A12 - Magnify Mass
A11 - Rediscover! The Kerygma Experience
A10 - Inspire Young People to “Get Off the Couch” and Transform the World
A09 - Small is the New Big
A07 - It's Not Old, It's Retro
A08 - Young Adult Networks: A New Way Forward
A05 - Beating the Odds: Secrets to Longevity in Youth Ministry
A03 - Ministry with Gen Z
A06 - Accompanying Young People Who Experience Same Sex Attraction
A02 - Vocational Discernment: A Ministry of Accompaniment and Witness
A04 - The Parish Youth Minister: Going From Doing to Empowering
MH03 - Saturday Mass Homily
MH02 - Friday Mass Homily