B04 - Emotional Virtue for a Drama Free Life
2019 NCYC Video - 26 Main, Mega, Parent Sessions
1h 17m
Sarah Swafford will help guide you through friendships, dating, and the challenges of being a man or woman today. Whether from social media or the environment around them, men and women face intense pressure, draining their confidence, interior identity, and overall pursuit of meaning in their lives. Sarah targets this battle within by setting forth a vision of virtue in the twentyfirst century, one that focuses on beginning with the end in mind, building what will last, and staying off the “emoticoaster."
Up Next in 2019 NCYC Video - 26 Main, Mega, Parent Sessions
B500B - The Family is the Domestic Ch...
How can we as church leaders and parents work together in building p the domestic church: the family? This “episode” of the Doug and Dave Show will explore—in an engaging and creatively-fun format—what can happen when faith formation, youth ministry, and pastoral staffs work WITH parents, helping...
C01 - Dating 101
Catholic teens are often told everything they’re NOT supposed to do when it comes to dating. But what ARE you supposed to do? Discover the difference between love and lust while getting straight answers about dating, relationships, and sexuality. If you’re looking for practical strategies to buil...
C02 - Nonconformist: Transforming You...
This practical workshop will equip passionate Catholic teenagers to humbly, prayerfully, and courageously share the good news of Jesus Christ with their own culture, and transform it from the inside out. It will challenge teens to live in the tension of being wholeheartedly faithful to Jesus, and...